6-35, (02468t), Whole-Tone Scale

6-35, (02468t), Whole-Tone Scale

Set Class

The whole-tone scale is the unordered set of notes (set class) consisting of six whole tone intervals. The scale is a mode of limited transposition. More 


The whole-tone scale is perfectly even and has only one mode, and only two transpositions. Each transposition of the whole tone scale is two semitone-voice-leading steps away from six of the twelve transpositions of the acoustic scale.

See Beyond Diatonic for more on the set class for this scale.

Interval-content vector <060603>
Distance 0*

the minimum Euclidean distance from this set to any transposition of the perfectly even 6 note chord, in semitones

Ancohemitonic chromatic-cluser-free
Anhemitonic set contains no semitones
Mode of Limited Transposition this set has fewer than 12 unique transpositions
Perfectly Even divides the octave perfectly evenly
Self-Complement the complement of this set is the same set
Self-M-Related the M-relation (replace semitone intervals with perfect fourths) maps this set to itself
Symmetric the involution of this set is the same set
Tritonic set contains one or more tritones

C/D/E/F/A/B Whole-tone
D/E/F/G/A/B Whole-tone